Recipes Recipes

Savoury Corn Swirls


Group Weight / Volume Unit Product
Fiesta Corn 2 000 50
Bread flour 2 000 50
Yeast 0 160 4
Water 2 000 50
Pastry margarine 1 600 40




  • Mix Fiesta Corn, flour, yeast and water on slow speed for 2 minutes then 7 minutes fast using spiral mixer
  • Allow to rest for 10 minutes
  • Roll out dough to a rectangle and encase the pastry margarine
  • Give 3 x ½ turns resting for 10 minutes between turns
  • Take the dough down to a thickness of 3mm and 40cm wide
  • Wash with egg and roll up (Swiss Roll style)
  • Cut off 23mm lengths and place on a lightly greased tray
  • Prove for 30 minutes then top with grated cheese or pizza topping and grated cheese then prove for a further 20 minutes
  • Prover setting 30°C and relative humidity 80%
  • Bake at 220°C
  • Bake time 15-20 minutes


Savoury Corn Swirls