Recipes Recipes

Danish Pastries


Group Weight / Volume Unit Product
Flour 32 000 100
Exakt Zest 4 800 15
Yeast 1 600 5
Egg 0 960 3
Water 16 640 52 +/-
Pastry Margarine 12 800 40



  • Mix flour, Exakt Zest, yeast and water on slow speed for 2 minutes, then 5 minutes on fast speed using spiral mixer
  • Allow to rest for 10 minutes
  • Roll out dough to a rectangle and encase the pastry margarine
  • Give 3 x ½ turns resting for 20 minutes between each turn
  • Process into desired shapes
  • Prove for: 50 minutes +/-
  • Prove temperature 30°C, relative humidity: 80%
  • Bake at: 220°C
  • Bake time: 10 minutes +/-
  • Brush with hot apricot puree and water icing immediately after baking