Products Products

American Donut

A 100% mix for the production of American style doughnuts. It can be processed by moulding, sheeting or extruding.

How to use


kg grms %
American Style Donut 1 000 100
Yeast 50 5
Water 400 40
Total batter weight 1 450


Mix ingredients for 2 minutes on slow speed using spiral mixer, then mix for 8 minutes on fast speed.

Dough temperature: 27°C

Scale into heads of 1,500 grms: 30 pieces and allow to rest for 10 minutes.

Divide into desired shape

Prove for +/- 50 minutes, temperature  30°C

Relative humidity: 70%

Fry at 180°C

 Fry Time:

Ball (50g) 1½ minutes each side

Finger (50g) 1 minute each side

Cut ring (50g) 1 minute each side


Product Weight / Volume Code
American Style Donut 25kg bag 01714
American Donut